We are looking for Ambassadors who want to follow the cause and participate in our events as well as lead their own. Please come to the events we plan or follow us in social media and tag us at #goplogging. We want to hear from you and your achievements!

"If not us, then who?"
— Sesan Amanuel, The American School in London

"Plog out to help out"
— Lydia Lisanti, The American School in London

"Plogging is a way we can take action to save the environment little by little"
— Colin Bloom, The American School in London

"Actions speak louder than words"
— Erica Wareborn, SSHL student.

"For me, plogging is the perfect balance between cleaning up the environment and getting a good exercise"
— Carl Wachtmeister, SSHL student.

"Join the plogging movement"
— Tilde Höjer, SSHL student.

"When I first heard about plogging, I thought it was natural for me to do it, not only because it saves the environment, but it’s also good to socialise with others that have the same interest. It’s also good jogging"
— Fredrik ​Nyberg, SSHL student.

"If you want to change the world, you have to start with the students, and "plogging" is a very good way of making a contribution to make this world a better place. I am proud of the students at this school SHHL, they are really helping out to make this a better world."
— Carina Nilsson, Headmistress SSHL school.

"The “plogging” movement creates a new norm of how we behave. Of course, it is unacceptable to throw litter in public spaces but now we don’t walk past any litter. We take action, and we pick it up, and we feel good about it. That’s the new norm."
— Henrik Wareborn